
Sunday, April 8, 2012

CH83: Dip and Dive

If a stranger came knocking on your door, what would you do?

A raven came knocking at Robert Frosts' door. Was it by random chance? Or was it preordained? How would you know when to welcome a stranger? Do they bring harm or good?

Chance. Gamble. That's the thrill of playing the game - the game of life? Or perhaps the other four letter L word. Lust is it?

You came knocking and I took the dive. The plunge was initially warm then gradually cold as the distance grew , and time moved forward, but I stood still. My grip became loose and I almost lost you.

But as I confessed, was it my lacking? When do you know if the game is lost and you've gambled too much away? How do you know if you've lost when you haven't gambled anything? Do you just go all-in, or do you check and bet - poker face?

Perhaps not all games are meant to be played with strategy. Some games are better played one step at a time. As the saying goes, live life one day at a time, one hour at a time? One minute at a time? One second at a time? The devil is in the details.

For now, I wait. The fire is rekindled stronger. I know what I want. I know the price to pay. I know what it would be like to lose. I know.

So, after the initial dive. I dip my toes in to test the waters. You thread lightly in this game. You do

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